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Harbour porpoise - Steppe Eagle

Marsouin commun - Aigle des steppes

Gewöhnlicher Schweinswal - Steppenadler

Harbour porpoise / Marsouin commun /
Gewöhnlicher Schweinswal / (Phocoena phocoena)


2 Hryvnia 2004
12.8 gr. - 31.1 mm
unc - copper-nickel-zinc
KM ?? / $ 8.-
dispobible no

Artist: Volodymyr Demianenko.
Mint: National Bank of Ukraine


Steppe Eagle / Aigle des steppes /
Steppenadler / (Aquila nipalensis)


2 Hryvnia 1999
12.8 gr. - 31.1 mm
unc - copper-nickel-zinc
KM 73 / $ 8.-
dispobible no

Artist: Volodymyr Demianenko.
Mint: National Bank of Ukraine